One of the hallmarks of Jewish behavior is modesty of dress. Part of being an ICJA student is an understanding that, 作为犹太人, we need not adopt the fashions and lifestyles of the world at large—no matter how popular they may be. Our pride and positive self-image are reflected in how we dress.
The following dress regulations are in effect for the entire student body whenever entering the building during regular school hours, 期末考试周, 假期, 暑期学校, 观看课外活动, 课外课, 或者委员会会议. In addition, at ICJA extra curricular events which take place outside of the building students (e.g. 体育赛事、活动等.)应穿着ICJA“宽松”的着装要求. Students who do not adhere to dress code will need to correct the problem for the first two offenses. On the third offense, students will be sent home with a one-day suspension.
老师,家长 & 参观ICJA
In order to maintain the proper academic tone in our school, 我们要求所有的大人(老师), 父母, 游客, 等.) entering our building conform to a modest mode of dress in keeping with our school standards.
- 任何ICJA制服衬衫(经认可的ICJA上衣) 必须 穿在带拉链的毛衣和运动衫里)
- ICJA牌衬衫和运动衫
- 犹太组织运动衫
- 大学运动衫
- 任何纯色圆领衬衫或运动衫
- 有图案、图片等的上衣/衬衫……
- 除了圆领以外的领口样式(如.g., v-neck, boat neck, torn collars, cut/torn crew neck, 等…)
- 土地结束 ICJA制服裙
- Any black, navy, or gray “BGDK or Miamod type” skirt (e.g.“飘逸的裙子”) 新
- Mimu maxi type skirts (“skirt leggings”) and straight skirts
- Skirts that do not reach below the knee when both sitting and standing
1. 土地结束
提供: Skirts, Polo Tops, Long Sleeve T-shirts, Sweaters, and Sweatshirts
如何购买国师制服: The 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 page can be accessed on the 土地结束 website by 点击这里的链接 到他们的网站.
请注意: When purchased through the ICJA web page, all tops will come with the ICJA logo attached. 土地结束有很多优惠券和促销活动. All uniform items can be returned with a “no questions asked” policy, 即使是那些印有商标的. 不幸的是, at this time we do not have samples available at any local stores and everything 必须 be purchased online.
2. 统一转售计划
提供: 轻轻地使用制服、裙子和上衣
如何购买ICJA制服: 联系夫人. Alayna Angus电话847-529-7616或通过电子邮件 alaynaangus@yahoo.com 了解更多信息.
3. 艾达皇冠服饰
Our apparel an be purchased over the course of the year as part of school events and many items can be worn as part of the uniform.
如何购买ICJA制服: 点击以下链接澳门威尼斯人网上赌场”
- Land 's End的制服polo衫或衬衫
- Sweatshirts and shirts from Jewish youth organizations, 夏令营, colleges (必须 have a VISIBLE collared uniform shirt underneath)
- 非统一套头运动衫, 拉链和没有字的毛衣 , but 必须 have a VISIBLE collared uniform shirt underneath.
- A student may not attach the ICJA logo to any other shirt with the intention of wearing it as part of the uniform.
- 非统一套头运动衫, 拉链和有图案的毛衣, 单词, 大公司名称, 或者商标在前面, 回来, 或袖子
- 黑色、灰色、海军蓝或卡其色的休闲裤
- 黑色、灰色或棕褐色牛仔裤
- 运动裤,蓝色牛仔裤
- 鞋子、靴子、凉鞋、平底鞋或运动鞋
- 拖鞋、人字拖或其他类似物品
1. 土地结束
提供: Polo Tops, Button-Down Shirts, Sweaters, and Sweatshirts
如何购买军服: The 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 page can be accessed on the 土地结束 website by 点击这里的链接 到他们的网站.
2. 统一转售计划
提供: 轻轻地使用男孩制服衬衫
H如何购买ICJA制服: 联系夫人. Alayna Angus电话:847-529-7616,电子邮件: alayanangus@yahoo.com 了解更多信息.
When purchased through the ICJA web page, all tops will come with the ICJA logo attached. 土地结束有很多优惠券和促销活动. All uniform items can be returned with a “no questions asked” policy, 即使是那些印有商标的. 不幸的是, at this time we do not have samples available at any local stores and everything 必须 be purchased online.
- 任何时候都必须穿Tzitzit和Kippah.
- 在校期间不得戴帽子或兜帽.
- Hair 必须 be neat, of appropriate length, and in consonance with halacha. Halacha requires that boys’ sideburns extend below the upper juncture of the ear to the head. Students may not have extreme hairstyles or unnatural hair color.
所有的衣服必须整洁干净. 衣服撕破是不能接受的.
If students 必须 change into clothing not in conformance with the dress code (e.g. sports uniforms), they 必须 do so in the locker rooms and immediately exit the building.
经过与学生和家长的多次讨论, and with a sincere desire to avoid violations of rules and focus instead, on the much more important task of inspirational and constructive teaching and learning, we have created the following set of simplified rules and consequences for violations of our dress code:
- Female staff members will be the only ones to address dress code issues with female students and male staff will address male students.
- We expect that all exchanges regarding dress code will be respectful to both staff and student.
- 如果学生违反了着装规定, he or she will be sent to the office either at the beginning or end of a class period.
a. On the first and second violations, an email will be sent to the students. In addition, depending upon the nature of the violation, students may be sent to the front office. 如果违反的是衬衫, students will be given a shirt to wear that 必须 be returned to the office on the following day, 干净折叠.
b. On the third and fourth violation, the student will receive an in-school detention.
c. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场第五次违规, the student will be suspended until there is a meeting with 父母, 学生与学校.
a. On the first and second violations, an email will be sent to the students. In addition, depending upon the nature of the violation, students may be sent to the office. A maxi skirt will be given to the student to wear that 必须 be returned to the office on the following day, 干净折叠. A note will be sent home to inform 父母 of the violation. 违反着装规定而穿的裙子(如.g., if it did not cover the knee or had a slit) will be kept at the office until the end of the quarter.
b. On the third and fourth violation, the student will receive an in-school detention.
c. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场第五次违规, the student will be suspended until there is a meeting with 父母, 学生与学校.
a. Because we cannot maintain a stock of slacks in all possible sizes, 第一次和第二次违反着装规定, 学生将收到一封电子邮件. In addition, depending upon the nature of the violation, the student may be sent home to change. If, 不管出于什么原因, 这个学生不能回家, he will remain in the office until arrangements can be made. A note will be sent home to inform 父母 of the violation.
b. On the third and fourth violation, the student will receive an in-school detention.
c. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场第五次违规, the student will be suspended until there is a meeting with 父母, 学生与学校.
Please note: We have done our best to articulate the ICJA uniform policy. However, if there are any questions, please feel free to consult with a member of the administration.